
  gep20153-4borito gep20153-4angimp gep20153-4angtart

•  3-4/2015 table of contents

Antal M. R.; Hegedüs J.:
Integration of quality design into the process of product design   5
Quality systems can be integrated into the process of product design based on the value analysis. Taking into account the aesthetic functions as well as the degree of their realisation it is possible to improve the aesthetic quality of a product.

Fodor L.:
Is he engineer or a designer or even both?   13
The results of projects made in the frame of the course ‘Designing’ represent the individual creativity and visual experience establishing ability of students. The results of these projects are not only the product documentation, but the self-made physical or virtual 3D model as well.

Hegedűs J.:
Synchronizing design and production (increasing knowledge content with value anal-ysis)   15
Author formulated a general thesis whose main point is that all service belong to the product, included in the content meaning of the product. Based on the results of research work he would like to expand the synchronization of prod-uct design and production using the tools of value analysis.

Hegedűs J.:
Value analysis in the crossroad of virtual analysis and real life application   19
Systems of open innovations and open source coding are operating on the World Wide Web. Nowadays the main attention is focused on products, the World Wide Web and digital economics. Paper describes a method which en-sures the succesful life span of an industrial product according to the parame-ters of digital technologies.

Nádasdi F.; Keszi-Szeremlei A.; Zarándné Vámosi K.:
Possibility of application of value analysis for engineering industry   25
In the last few years two factors caused radical changes in engineering indus-try. The first was the globalisation which caused world-wide expansion of co-operation in the field of manufacturing and services. The second factor was the innovation, which widened the possibilities of product design, manufacturing planning and manufacturing.

Péter J.:
Possibilities of design studies   31
At the end of the twentieth century the market turned the attention of manufac-turers to the product shape.
For the challenge the institutes of higher educa-tion answered by launching the courses of product and shape design. Paper deals with the possible subjectmatter questions of product and shape design.

Piros A.:
From the slide rule to the 3D computer design   36
At the end of the 20th century the methodology and the tools in the engineering practice have an enormous development. Paper describes the development of these tools and methods which led to the current state of the art of the engi-neering activities.

Szabó Gy.:
Ergonomics in the Hungarian machine industry   42
The reason of consumer complaints and workplace accidents most often is that usability of the product was little known and was not taken into account during design. Author calls attention to importance of use of knowledge of er-gonomics by which the competitiveness of the Hungarian engineering industry can be improved.

Varga E.; Piros A.:
Managing of human factors at engineering projects   44
In the engineering design processes the risk analysis and risk modelling con-sists extremely high uncertainty factors. Among them the human factors seem to be decisive. Paper presents models by which the human origin risks can successfully be managed.

Varga A.; Zaharcsenko, B. I.; Kerese E.:
Material and technological experiments in industrial design   51
The new materials and technology provide an outstanding opportunity for de-signers to develop new, creative forms and solutions. In the presented exam-ples there are various products made from the same base material.

Voith A.; Szabó Z.:
Quality assurance during R+D activities of Knorr-Bremse commercial vehicle sys-tems    55
The Commercial Vehicle Division of the Knorr-Bremse AG is a group with Eu-ropean origin but with world-wide market activity as brake system supplier.
The product development is carried out in crossfunctional team-work, in har-monised way and sometimes it is divided with customers and suppliers. The attitude of development is open to new solutions and technologies.


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